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Me and Mountain Dew.

Ahem. Let me start off this small micro-rant appropriately.

Are you Ready?




It's true. I do. I really do love it.

There's just so much about it to like. I first wanna preface this by bashing coke. I'll admit it. I'm a Pepsi fanboy. Are you happy, Cokucks? Anyways, yeah. There's many flavors of mountain dew. The classic is pretty good. It satisfies, and it doesn't really get old. Baja Blast is neat, even if a bit weak tasting. Yeah, I know, thermonuclear take but I'm not the biggest Baja Blast enthusiast. Major Melon is pretty good. Spark is pretty bad. I don't know what else to say, really. But there's one flavor that REALLY gets my goat.




There's something about the absolutely exquisite cherry taste of Code Red. The way that the soda spills and sloshes inside of its clear bottle, its brilliant red 40 shining through. Code Red was originally introduced in Anno Domini 2001. We got many wonderful things in 2001. There was the Xbox. Windows XP. Patriot Act. All of these things which have changed our lives. Some for the worse. Some for the better. But either way, I'm going to die early due to large amounts of Red 40 in my bloodstream.

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